Adjunct Assistant Professor

Matt holds a Masters degree in Nonprofit Arts Administration, and Bachelors degrees in both Film Production and Spanish. As an educator, he has worked as an adjunct professor of film, theatre, and non-profit administration at the Salt Lake Community College, Westminster College, and the University of Utah. In addition to his work in education, Matt co-founded the Salt Lake City Film Festival and served as its Executive Director from 2009-2013. Over the past 15 years, he has worked extensively in the film industry as an actor, editor, producer, director, and camera operator for broadcasters and distribution companies including BBC America, Magnolia Pictures, Syfy Network, TBS, and the History Channel.

Currently, he works as commercial video producer with Purple and is a founding partner with Overcranked Pictures, a production services company housed within Redman Movies and Stories in Salt Lake City. Matt is an avid supporter of the theatre/arts communities in the Salt Lake Valley and has served as a board member with both the Grand Theatre (2017-present) and the Utah Cultural Alliance (2014-2016).

As an actor on the local stage, he most recently appeared at The 2019 Great Salt Lake Fringe co-producing/acting in Richard Greenberg's The Author's Voice. Other credits on stage and film include: The Glass Menagerie (Grand Theatre), Black Comedy (Blackbox), Local Boy Done Good (Wasatch Theatre, Page to Stage), Our Town (Grand Theatre), What the Butler Saw (Blackbox), Ryan Baxter: Reenactor (Industry Works Pictures), The Yankles (Magnolia Pictures), Artifice (Digiphile Productions), and Ice Spiders (Syfy)

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