• Office PMT Room 110

Assistant Technical Director

Halee Rasmussen received her BFA in the Performing Arts Design Program from the University of Utah with a double emphasis in technical direction and set design.

Halee has been the Assistant Technical Director and Scenic Charge Artist for the U of U Department of Theatre since 2012. She is one of the instructors on record for the Scenography Lab courses and helps head the Theatre Department work study program teaching students carpentry, welding, rigging, painting, and stage safety. Halee also helps oversee the building and painting of all sets for the Babcock and Studio 115 theatre spaces helping to bring a set designer’s artistic vision to realization on stage.

Halee is also a local set designer. Some of her credits include: Lagoon Entertainment, Utah Cultural Arts Center, Salt Lake Shakespeare, U of U Lyric Opera, and Plan B Theatre Company. She is also the resident set designer for The Grand Theatre.

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