Youth Theatre summer 24 participants in front of the big red Block U
Youth Theatre summer '24 students (Photo: Penelope Caywood)

Guest post by Penelope Caywood, Youth Theatre Artistic Director and Adjunct Assistant Professor

“At Theatre School
The way that I live
The thoughts that I think
The things that I give
My personal best
The things that I choose
The power I have
I know I can’t lose.
At Theatre School.”

These lines from our theatre school song echo outside Pioneer Memorial Theatre at the end of each day in June and July, serving as both a mantra and a celebration of what we stand for. This summer, as we gathered 322 students—from bright-eyed first graders to confident high school graduates—we lived, thought, gave, and chose in ways that shaped a memorable season at Youth Theatre.

At the heart of our program is a commitment to personal growth, creativity, and community. Each summer is a fresh chapter, where we adapt and innovate, never letting the program grow stagnant. Despite having been part of this journey for over 20 years, the magic of summer never fades. This year, we continued to refine our daily schedule and class offerings, responding in real-time to the needs and suggestions of our students and teachers. A change proposed in session one could become a new tradition by session two, all because everyone here is dedicated to making the program the best it can be.

“Learn your lines and work really hard with the friends that you make each day.”

These words resonate deeply, especially when I reflect on the incredible teamwork and dedication that defined our 2024 season. With a team of 24 educators—half professional educators from local schools, the other half university students majoring in Theatre Teaching, Musical Theatre, or Actor Training—we saw learning happen at every level. From the classroom to the stage, each moment was an opportunity to learn, teach, and grow together.

This summer, we held 18 group performances over six nights, each showcasing the hard work and passion our students poured into their craft. But perhaps even more inspiring were the two epic open sharings of elective work, moments reserved just for the students. The joy and support in the room during these sessions were palpable, a true reflection of the community we've built.

“Character is theatre school.
Attitude is theatre school.”

For me, seeing the students' and teachers' dedication to these values of kindness, respect, responsibility, and bravery—principles we establish on the very first day—is always the most rewarding part of the summer. We begin with simple community agreements, but it’s in these moments of play, performance, and reflection that those agreements truly come to life. The lyrics of our theatre school song aren't just words; they reflect who we are and who we strive to be every day.

“We create at theatre school.
Celebrate at theatre school.”

The anthem of our summer isn’t just a song; it’s the heartbeat of our Youth Theatre program—a reminder of the personal bests achieved, the power of choice, and the strength of community. 

Here’s to the students, teachers, and families who make this journey possible. As we look forward to the next chapter, we do so with the song still in our hearts, ready to live, think, give, and create all over again.

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