Bios must meet our Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines

Headshots must meet the following requirements:

  • Color 
  • JPG format
  • Resolution of 300 pixels per inch
  • Pre-cropped headshots only--no full-body or 3/4 images
  • Total file size for both files should be less than 12 MB.

Please make sure your bios and headshots do not have any extra periods or unusual special characters in their names! Additional periods, parentheses, and other special characters aside from dashes (-) and underscores (_) may prevent your bio or headshot from being submitted successfully.

If you have questions or run into any technical difficulties, please email your bio and headshot directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

First Name *
Last Name *
What name should we use in promotional materials (if different from above)?)
What pronouns should we use?
Show *
Email *
Role/Position *
Copy and paste your bio here, or upload a bio using the file browser below:
Upload Bio (.doc or .docx format) *
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Upload Headshot (required for cast only, 10 MB max, JPG format)
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Accept Terms *

I have read the Program Bio Guidelines and will follow them to the best of my ability. If it is determined that revisions are necessary, I will make any requested changes in a timely fashion. 

site by third sun